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Godzilla vs. Kong, also known as "Apex" is a 2021 American science fiction monster movie made by Legendary Pictures. It is the fourth film in the MonsterVerse, following Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which is a sequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

After a tumultuous production process, Godzilla vs. Kong was initially scheduled for release on May 29, 2020, before being moved forward to March 13, 2020, and then again to November 20, 2020, and finally to May 21, 2021. It was then rescheduled for release on March 26, 2021, before finally hitting cinemas on March 31, 2021 in the United States of America. The film was also available for viewing on HBO Max until April 30, 2021, where it could be seen in real time.

Michael Dougherty and Zach Shields wrote the script, which Adam Wingard directed. It was written by Borenstein, Dougherty and Shields. After Ghidorah's rampage, Godzilla and Kong face off in Godzilla vs. Kong, which takes place five years after King of the Monsters.

The film is now under production for a sequel.

Godzilla vs. Kong pits two of the world's most feared monsters against one other in a fight that might decide the destiny of the whole planet. Jia, an orphaned child with whom Kong has created a special and deep relationship, joins Kong and his guards on a risky adventure to locate his rightful home. When Godzilla unleashes his fury, they find themselves in the path of the monster, whose trail of destruction cuts over the whole planet. Despite the titanic battle sparked by unknown forces, the mystery surrounding Earth's interior has only just begun to be unraveled!

In 2024, five years after Godzilla defeated his alien foe Ghidorah, Godzilla and Kong are the only Titans still alive on Earth. The combination of Ghidorah's storm and the storm cell that surrounds Skull Island has caused the island's climate to become unstable, forcing Monarch to confine Kong inside a dome-shaped facility that simulates the island's environment, with an orphaned young Iwi girl named Jia who is deaf and can communicate with Kong via sign language.

However, just as he is about to finish downloading the data, Godzilla comes and attacks in an unexpected manner. One of the oddest pieces of equipment found at the site, which resembled a massive robotic eye, is among the ruins.

It has been a while after the assault, but public opinion has shifted against Godzilla. In the wake of Godzilla's recent assault on her school, Bernie's podcast listener Madison Russell is alarmed. Trying to reason with her widowed father Mark (who is working as Monarch's director) about a potential lead on the source of Godzilla's rampage, she approaches him after school but he ignores all she says as he simply answers that beasts, like humans, may evolve. With Josh Valentine at her side, Madison is on a mission to find the person responsible for Godzilla's rampage and uncover the mysteries of Apex.

While Walter Simmons, Apex's founder and CEO, hires Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist, to assist them in their hunt for a tremendous energy source in the Hollow Earth, a subterranean planet under the Earth and the secret home of the Titans. For a while, Nathan is apprehensive about venturing into the Hollow Earth after his brother was killed by an anti-gravity field while exploring the tunnel. After Walter discloses that Apex has produced Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized vehicles that can survive the gravity field's strain, he finally accepts.

Because Skull Island can no longer hold him (due to Kong's size), Nathan proposes using Kong as their navigator to bring them to the energy source. In the end, Ilene agrees to help halt Godzilla's rampage and locate Kong a new home when Nathan persuades her to do so.

Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and an Apex crew lead by Walter's daughter Maia board a customized boat with a barely drugged Kong locked up to keep him from escaping. On a rainy night, Kong grows unhappy and begins to tug on the shackles that restrict him, but Jia calms him down by allowing her and Kong to hold fingers in solidarity as Kong signs the word "home" much to Ilene's surprise. The following day, Ilene tells Nathan about raising Jia as her adopted daughter when violent and unpredictable storms wiped away most of the Iwi and her parents, but Jia was the sole survivor since Kong was the one who protected her, which led to the two forging a relationship.

At this moment, Jia detects Godzilla's arrival by detecting vibrations throughout the ship as the Titan approaches and assaults the troops before capsizing the barge, almost drowning Kong and the others on board. Fortunately, Nathan frees Kong by releasing him from his shackles, enabling him to fight Godzilla beneath long enough to swim to the surface and tip the barge back on its head, sparing the passengers from drowning. Kong gets onboard a neighboring aircraft copyright to confront Godzilla, who climbs aboard to confront Kong. The two Titans trade vicious punches until fighter aircraft distract Godzilla enough for Kong to force him back into the sea. Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath from under the copyright, but Kong leaps to avoid the explosion, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and take him into the depths of the ocean, aiming to drown the Titan.

Their struggle is broken up, however, when Godzilla is distracted by depth charges, allowing Kong to surface for air.

Realizing Kong can't survive in the cold weather and that they can't return him to Skull Island, Nathan asks Ilene if Kong will go if he thinks there are others like him through there and she tells Jia to ask Kong that his family could possibly be down there, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams follow him in their HEAVs.

Kong and Nathan's crew discover an environment similar to Skull Island within the Hollow Earth. They are unexpectedly assaulted while traversing the area by a pair of Warbats, with one destroying one of the HEAVs. Kong saved the party by killing the first Warbat and swinging its carcass onto the second, knocking it unconscious, but the beast recovers and constricts itself around him. Before the Warbat has a chance to suffocate Kong, the creature is hit by missiles fired from Nathan's team's HEAV, allowing Kong to escape and viciously beat the monster to death before gorging on its intestines.

After that, Kong and Nathan's crew continue on their way to a large stone temple built by Kong's forefathers. They discover ruins of an old fight between Kong's and Godzilla's races, and Kong discovers an ancient axe crafted from a dead Godzilla's race member's dorsal plate before sitting on a gigantic throne. Kong discovers that the same power source can replenish the axe as Nathan's crew discovers it for Mechagodzilla. Despite Ilene's protests, Maia and the Apex team utilize spider-like drones to collect the power source and return it to their Hong Kong headquarters. Maia's guards fire at Nathan's squad, but Kong violently defends them. Godzilla, sensing the machine's activation, goes directly for Hong Kong.

Hearing Godzilla's scream as he gives Kong with another challenge, Kong accepts and continues with his axe in hand to Hong Kong as Ilene, Nathan and Jia pursue him in their HEAV through the hole made by Godzilla's atomic breath. Arriving in Hong Kong, King takes against Godzilla once more, this time getting the upper hand over the Titan, eventually shoveling his axe down Godzilla's throat to prevent him from launching his atomic breath. Kong discovers that his axe is capable of both blocking and absorbing Godzilla's atomic breath, and he uses it to stab the Titan in the thigh before Godzilla can remove and discard the axe. Using the Hong Kong skyline and his greater agility, Kong evades and dodges Godzilla's blows before retrieving and charging his axe, which he then unleashes on the monster, causing an explosion that knocks both Titans off their feet, leading Nathan to assume that Kong has won the rematch.

Back at the Apex headquarters, Walter enthusiastically instructs Ren to dispatch Mechagodzilla to slay Godzilla. Despite Ren's warnings not to use the new Hollow Earth energy source without first testing it, Walter dismisses his concerns and orders the mecha to be activated. At the same time, security apprehends Bernie, Madison, and Josh for breaking into Apex headquarters and transports them to Walter. Madison accuses Walter of inciting Godzilla to war and for all of this to happen in the first place, however he boldly argues that he took responsibility for allowing humans to fight back against Godzilla and the Titans.

Seeing Kong holding his axe, Godzilla supercharges it by blasting the weapon with his atomic breath, allowing Kong to dismember Mechagodzilla limb from limb and ripping its head off before holding up his trophy with a mighty roar of triumph and sitting down to rest.

Madison reunites with Mark and introduces him to Josh and Bernie, who are happy to see Mark and ask him onto his show to discuss the Monarch facility in Roswell. Godzilla suddenly approaches Kong, forcing the Titan to take his axe and restart the battle. Godzilla doesn't attack, but stares Kong down. Kong lowers his axe, ending the conflict between his species and Godzilla's. Godzilla and Kong are now equals, and Godzilla returns to the sea quietly, with Kong and all the people watching.

Monarch has built an observation station in the Hollow Earth at some point in the future. Ilene, Nathan, and Jia observe Kong as he walks down the street one morning. Kong jumps atop a cliff, pounds his chest, and roars, proclaiming himself king of the Hollow Earth and enthusiastically accepting it as his new home and kingdom after signing "home" to Jia.

The prevailing consensus is that Godzilla vs. Kong is a good movie. On Rotten Tomatoes as of April 16, 2021, the film has 341 reviews, 254 of which are fresh, and a "Tomatometer" with a 74% certified Fresh score. Critics have agreed that Godzilla vs. Kong delivers on its title, removing human drama and character development in favor of the sheer spectacle of huge monsters battling it out.

On April 17, 2021, it was announced that Godzilla vs. Kong had eclipsed the overall box office receipts of the film Godzilla: King of the Monsters, despite the fact that box office receipts were still slightly reduced as a result of the epidemic.

Since 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla, this is the first time Godzilla and King Kong have featured in the same film in 59 years.

Kyle Chandler has been in two King Kong films, the first of which was Peter Jackson's 2005 remake, and this is his second appearance in the franchise.

Chandler's presence in King Kong, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and Godzilla vs. Kong establishes him as the only actor to appear in a King Kong picture, a Godzilla film, and a Godzilla crossover feature.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is mentioned multiple times in the film:

Because of its pyramid-topped location and the fact that it is subterranean, the Central Dogma resembles Mechagodzilla's home base.

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